(509) 581-2313

Parenting Plans Lawyer in Kennewick, WA

Person signing family law paperwork

Craft an effective co-parenting plan with the help of Shea Law in Kennewick, Washington. We are here to help you ensure that your children are the focus of the agreement that you come up with.

Going through a separation or divorce as a parent is an extremely difficult transition. One of the most important decisions you will make during this process is developing a fair, child-centered parenting plan. An effective plan establishes guidelines and schedules for raising children between two households while minimizing conflict and disruption.

At Shea Law, our compassionate and experienced parenting plans lawyer specializes in helping parents create custody agreements focused on their children’s best interests. With over 30 years of legal expertise in family law cases, we provide customized guidance based on each family's unique needs and situation.

Elements of an Effective Parenting Plan

A good parenting plan balances the requirements of both parents with the well-being and stability of the children. Key components include:

  • Legal and Physical Custody: Determine joint or sole legal custody and physical custody arrangements.
  • Parenting Schedule: Provide detailed parenting time allotments and outline pick-up/drop-off logistics.
  • Decision-Making Authority: Establish who decides important issues like medical care, education, and religion.
  • Dispute Resolution Process: Create fair mediation procedures to resolve conflicts out of court.
  • Child Support Calculations: Ensure adequate and equitable monetary contributions from each parent.

Why Work With Shea Law’s Parenting Plans Attorney

At Shea Law, our parenting plans lawyer in Eastern Washington takes a customized approach designed around your family’s unique situation. We assist you to:

  • Prioritize minimizing disruption to your children’s routine.
  • Improve communication and cooperation with your co-parent.
  • Uphold your children's best interests in all legal documents.
  • Adjust the plan over time as families grow and evolve.

Going through separation or divorce doesn't have to be an adversarial process. Our parenting plans lawyer will provide the guidance you need to protect your rights while creating stability for your children when transitioning between two households.

Reach out to us today to get started on crafting a thoughtful co-parenting plan focused on your kids.
